Visa 132 Overview

Visas 132 will be closed to new applications from 1 July 2021, but the applications already lodged for these visas will still be processed. The clients who meet the requirements should seize the last opportunity before 30 June 2021.

Business Talent (Permanent) Visa 132 is currently the only visa that can obtain permanent residency (PR) in one step among all investment immigrant visas in Australia. It does not need to go through the scoring system and has no requirements for academic qualifications and English, which is widely favored by visa applicants. About Visa 132,in addition to meeting the qualifications of the Australian Immigration Department, the applicants also are required to obtain state/territory nominating (sponsoring). This visa usually required the applicants to invest a certain amount of capital to establish a business or buy shares of the existing business in the state/territory sponsored by the applicants, and need to operate for at least two years.  After two years, the state/ territory government and the Australian Immigration Department will conduct a review of the applicant’s business to verify whether the applicant has invested in the place and meets the original requirements.

Business Talent (Permanent) Visa 132 is divided into two streams: Significant Business History Stream and Venture Capital Entrepreneur Stream. We mainly introduce Visa 132 Significant Business History Stream (often referred to as Visa 132A).  South Australia Auta Group can provide applicants with investment and cooperation opportunities to achieve your purpose of immigrating to Australia.

Advantages of Visa 132

  1. You can apply for this visa, — no need to go through the scoring system,and no requirements for academic qualifications and English;
  2. You can obtain permanent residency (PR) in one step for the whole family, — no need for temporary residence transition; 3, You can work and study in Australia;
  3. Children can be enrolled in schools, — enjoy the treatment of local students;
  4. You can enjoy Australian public medical and other social welfare allowances;
  5. You can sponsor certain relatives to come to Australia;
  6. You can apply to become an Australian citizen after you meet the residency requirements;
  7. You can enter New Zealand visa-free.

Visa 132 A suitable for the following applicants:

Shareholders of listed companies, and Large and medium-sized business owners/big shareholders who want to invest and do business in Australia.